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                       Sunday School 9:00 am
                       Worship Service 10:00 am 
         Christmas Eve. Service 6:00pm
 Do you feel, somehow, that you don’t belong? C.S Lewis said that the sense that we are treated in this world as strangers is part of our “inconsolable secret.” What can we do about it?  Join us as we begin 2023 by looking at 1 Peter. By the way Peter describes believers, indicates that wherever we're living, our home is elsewhere. Our home is in heaven.  For now, we are resident foreigners, so to speak.   Join us as we look at 1 Peter, to discover how we can have hope and flourish in a strange land.  
 This coming Sunday, September 11th 2022, we will start a new series in the book of Ephesians. As we look at the first few verses, we immediately encounter the mystery of God's will. This book focuses on who we are in Christ and how to live out that identity. But it also describes a mystery that is bigger than, grander than, we could ever imagine. In the first section, we hear about God's work for us and see that the story of the gospel is bigger than we think. Many of my friends, family, and co-workers, attend via Facebook live. More people watch the Sunday messages as they are posted on our churches Facebook page. Whereas I appreciate, so much, to be able to reach out to all of you in this manor, I would also love to see those of you who can, attend our Sunday Service in person. So, I invite you to come to Salem Reformed Independent Church Sunday September 11th at 9am for our first teaching in the book of Ephesians!
 Join Us!!  Beginning Monday, May 3rd, 7pm, as we begin a Bible Study titled; "From Garden to City!"  We will start at the beginning, Genesis, and work our way through the Bible, hitting major points, as we bring the work of God into focus. 
Ephesians tells us; "For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be Holy and blameless in His sight. In Love.  So our story begins before creation.  What does it mean for God to choose us?  Why is there evil in the world? Where did sin begin? Who was Satan and when did he fall?  What does God's process of creation tell us about Him?  Why did God choose Abraham.? Before the flood, why did it not rain upon the earth?.....And many more questions will be discussed.  
“Winter Warmup”
Game Night at Salem
Saturday, February 4, 2023 • 5:00 p.m.
Join us for plenty of food, fun & fellowship!
Bring a covered dish to share, and a favorite game if you have one.
We will also be playing “Now You Have It, Now You Don’t”
so bring along a “white elephant” wrapped gift
if you would like to participate.
For more information, call (voicemail) or text
Carol Mehler at 717-202-9264 or Teresa Moyer-Keller at 717-376-9175.
 Our church is conducting a flower bulb fund raiser. ( information below)